-module (demos_binding4).
-include_lib ("nitrogen_core/include/wf.hrl").

main() -> #template { file="./templates/demos433.html" }.

title() -> "Binding with a Transform Function".

headline() -> "Binding with a Transform Function".

left() -> 
        The <code>#bind{}</code> element allows you to bind data to
        one or more elements using an efficient syntax. You define a
        list of data, a list of elements, and a map of where the data
        should be placed within the elements.

        Optionally, you can specify a transform function on a
        <code>#bind{}</code> element.  A transform function takes two
        parameters, the row of data, and an accumulator, and can be
        used to manipulate the data before it is ultimately bound to
        the list of elements.

        This demo shows two transform functions in action, one to
        toggle the case of the supplied data, and one to change the
        row color.

% Binding data with a transform function.
get_data() -> [
  ["Title 1", "Author 1", "Description 1", {data, 1}],
  ["Title 2", "Author 2", "Description 2", {data, 2}],
  ["Title 3", "Author 3", "Description 3", {data, 3}],
  ["Title 4", "Author 4", "Description 4", {data, 4}],  
  ["Title 5", "Author 5", "Description 5", {data, 5}]  

get_map() -> 

middle() -> 
    Data = get_data(),
    Map = get_map(),
        #h2 { text="Div Binding" },
        Use a transform function to make the data alternately uppercase and lowercase.<br>
        #bind { id=simpleBinding, data=Data, map=Map, transform=fun alternate_case/2, body=[
            #label { class=tiny, id=titleLabel },
            #label { class=tiny, id=authorLabel },
            #label { class=tiny, id=descriptionLabel },
            #button { class=tiny, id=myButton, text="Button" }

right() -> 
    Data = get_data(),
    Map = get_map(),
        #h2 { text="Table Binding" },
        Use a transform function to make the rows different colors.<br>
        #table { class=tiny, rows=[
            #tablerow { cells=[
                #tableheader { text="Title" },
                #tableheader { text="Author" },
                #tableheader { text="Description" },
                #tableheader { }
            #bind { id=tableBinding, data=Data, map=Map, transform=fun alternate_color/2, body=#tablerow { id=top, cells=[
                #tablecell { id=titleLabel },
                #tablecell { id=authorLabel },
                #tablecell { id=descriptionLabel },
                #tablecell { body=#button { id=myButton, text="Button" } }

event({data, Data}) ->
    Message = "Clicked On Data: " ++ wf:to_list(Data),
    wf:wire(#alert { text=Message }),

event(_) -> ok.

alternate_case(DataRow, Acc) when Acc == []; Acc == odd  ->
    [Title, Author, Description, Postback] = DataRow,
    F = fun string:to_upper/1,
    { [F(Title), F(Author), F(Description), Postback], even, [] };

alternate_case(DataRow, Acc) when Acc == even  ->
    [Title, Author, Description, Postback] = DataRow,
    F = fun string:to_lower/1,
    { [F(Title), F(Author), F(Description), Postback], odd, [] }.

alternate_color(DataRow, Acc) when Acc == []; Acc==odd ->
    {DataRow, even, {top@style, "background-color: #eee;"}};

alternate_color(DataRow, Acc) when Acc == even ->
    {DataRow, odd, {top@style, "background-color: #ddd;"}}.