%% vim: ts=4 sw=4 et
-module (demos_contenttype).
-include_lib ("nitrogen_core/include/wf.hrl").

main() -> 
    #template { file="./templates/demos46.html" }.

title() -> "Content Type and Headers".

headline() -> "Content Type and Headers".

left() -> 
        In a pinch, you can use Nitrogen to dynamically serve content
        other than HTML. The image to the right is served as raw data
        from a Nitrogen module.

        Also, this shows how you can use the <code>wf:header/2</code>
        function to dynamically set the headers, and in this case, use the
        \"Content-Disposition\" header to make the browser download a file
        rather than displaying it in the browser directly. We also demonstrate
        the <code>wf:download_as/1</code> function, which is a shortcut to set
        the \"Content-Disposition\" header.

        View the <a
        href=viewsource?module=demos_contenttype_image>source code</a>
        of demos_contenttype_image.erl to see how it's done.

right() -> 
        #image { id=spaceman, image="/demos/contenttype/image" },
        #link { text="Download Image (using wf:header/2)", url="/demos/contenttype/image?mode=content_disposition"},
        #link { text="Download Image (using wf:download_as/1)", url="/demos/contenttype/image?mode=download_as" }
event(_) -> ok.