%% vim: ts=4 sw=4 et
-module (demos_simplecontrols).
-include_lib ("nitrogen_core/include/wf.hrl").

main() -> #template { file="./templates/demos433.html" }.

title() -> "Simple Controls".

headline() -> "Simple Controls".

left() ->
    Nitrogen lets you build HTML using Erlang record syntax. For
    example, a Level-1 Header is specified as:

    <pre>#h1 { text=\"My Header\" }</pre>

    This page lists some of the simple HTML elements included in

middle() -> 
        #h1 { text="Header 1"},
        #h2 { text="Header 2"},
        #h3 { text="Header 3"},
        #h4 { body=[
            "Header 4 ",
            " with an image in it"

        #h2 { text="Forms" },
        #label { text="TextBox" },
        #textbox { id=textbox, text="This is a textbox." }, 

        #label { text="Readonly TextBox" },
        #textbox { text="This is a readonly textbox.", readonly=true, next=date_textbox }, 
        #link{ text="Skip Link", click=#alert{text="This textbox will be skipped when tabbing from the readonly textbox to the datepicker textbox"}},

        #label { text="DatePicker Textbox" },
        #datepicker_textbox { id=date_textbox  }, 

        #label { text="TextArea (tabs are trapped on this textarea)" },
        #textarea { id=textarea, text="This is a textarea.", trap_tabs=true },

        #label { text="Password Box" },
        #password { id=password, text="Password" },

        #dropdown { id=my_dropdown, options=[
            #option { value="", text="Dropdown" },
            #option { value="opt1", text="Option 1" },
            #option { value="opt2", text="Option 2" },
            #option { value="opt3", text="Option 3" }

        #dropdown { id=multiple, multiple=true, options=[
            #option { value="1", text="Multiselect 1" },
            #option { value="2", text="Multiselect 2" },
            #option { value="3", text="Multiselect 3" }

        #radiogroup { id=myRadio, body=[
            #radio {text="Option 1", value="1", checked=true }, #br{},
            #radio {text="Option 2", value="2" }, #br{},
            #radio {text="Option 3", value="3" }, #br{},
            #radio {text="Option 4", value="4" }

        #checkbox { id=checkbox, value="check1", text="Checkbox 1", checked=true },#br{},
        #checkbox { id=checkbox, value="check2", text="Checkbox 2", checked=false },#br{},
        #checkbox { id=checkbox, value="check3", text="Checkbox 3", checked=true },

        #button { id=button, text="Button", postback=postback },
        #button { id=disabled_button, text="Disabled Button", disabled=true }

right() -> 
        #h2 { text="Lists" },
        #list { body=[
            #listitem { text="List Item 1" },
            #listitem { text="List Item 2" },
            #listitem { body=#checkbox { text="List Item 3" }}

        #list { numbered=true, body=[
            #listitem { text="List Item 1" },
            #listitem { text="List Item 2" },
            #listitem { body=#checkbox { text="List Item 3" }}
        #h2 { text="Gravatars"},
        #gravatar{ email="RKlophaus@Gmail.com", size="100", rating="x" }, 
        #gravatar{ email="dan.bravender@test.com", size="100", default="wavatar" }

event(postback) ->