-module (demos_sorting2).
-include_lib ("nitrogen_core/include/wf.hrl").

main() -> #template { file="./templates/demos46.html" }.

title() -> "Nested Sorting".

headline() -> "Nested Sorting".

left() -> 
        Sortable elements can be nested for advanced
        functionality. Here, the parent elements can be sorted
        horizontally, and the child elements sorted vertically.

        This demo also shows an example of setting the
        <code>#sortblock.handle</code> element to create a sort

right() -> 
  #sortblock { class=advanced, tag=sort, handle=handle, items=[
            #sortitem { tag=parent1, body=#panel { body=[
                #span { class=handle, text="(Grab)" }, " Parent 1",
                #sortblock { tag=child1sort, items=[
                    #sortitem { tag=child1_1, body="Child 1" },
                    #sortitem { tag=child1_2, body="Child 2" },
                    #sortitem { tag=child1_3, body="Child 3" },
                    #sortitem { tag=child1_4, body="Child 4" }
            #sortitem { tag=parent2, body=#panel { body=[
                #span { class=handle, text="(Grab)" }, " Parent 2",
                #sortblock { tag=child2sort, items=[
                    #sortitem { tag=child2_1, body="Child 1" },
                    #sortitem { tag=child2_2, body="Child 2" },
                    #sortitem { tag=child2_3, body="Child 3" },
                    #sortitem { tag=child2_4, body="Child 4" }
            #sortitem { tag=parent3, body=#panel { body=[
                #span { class=handle, text="(Grab)" }, " Parent 3",
                #sortblock { tag=child3sort, items=[
                    #sortitem { tag=child3_1, body="Child 1" },
                    #sortitem { tag=child3_2, body="Child 2" },
                    #sortitem { tag=child3_3, body="Child 3" },
                    #sortitem { tag=child3_4, body="Child 4" }

sort_event(_Tag, Items) -> 
    Message = wf:f("Order: ~p", [Items]),
    wf:wire(#alert { text=Message }),

event(_) -> ok.