-module (demos_state).
-include_lib ("nitrogen_core/include/wf.hrl").

main() -> #template { file="./templates/demos46.html" }.

title() -> "Session State and Page State".

headline() -> "Session State and Page State".

left() -> 
        The first counter to the right is stored in session. If you reload
        the current page, or open a new tab in your browser and
        navigate to this window, the count is persisted. (It will
        disappear once the session times out.)

        The second counter is stored in page state. It exists only for
        postbacks on the current page, and its value disappears when
        you close the page.

right() -> 
    Elements = [
        #span { text="Counter stored in session state: " }, #span { id=sessionStateCountSpan },
        #p {},
        #span { text="Counter stored in page state: " }, #span { id=pageStateCountSpan },
        #p {},
        #button { text="Increment Counters", postback=increment }
    % Update the elements with their values...

update_elements() ->
    % Update the sessionStateCountSpan element.
    SessionStateCount = wf:coalesce([wf:session(count), 1]),
    wf:set(sessionStateCountSpan, SessionStateCount),

    % Update the pageStateCountSpan element...
    PageStateCount = wf:coalesce([wf:state(count), 1]),
    wf:set(pageStateCountSpan, PageStateCount).

event(increment) ->
    SessionCount = wf:coalesce([wf:session(count), 1]),
    StateCount = wf:coalesce([wf:state(count), 1]),
    wf:session(count, SessionCount + 1),
    wf:state(count, StateCount + 1),