
Droppable Element

The droppable element allows you to make a block of Nitrogen elements a drop target for draggable elements.

Combine the draggable element with the droppable element to allow drag and drop behavior.


   #droppable { tag=drop1, accept_class=accept, hover_class=hover, body=[
     #span { text="This is a droppable block." }


  • tag (Erlang term) - The drag term to pass into the drop_event/2 event.

  • body (Nitrogen elements) - The elements that will be droppable.

  • accept_groups (list of atoms (defaults to 'all')) - The drag groups that will be accepted by this drop target

  • active_class (atom or string (defaults to 'active')) - This CSS class will be applied to the element when the user drags a draggable element.

  • hover_class (atom or string (defaults to 'hover')) - This CSS class will be applied to the element when the user hovers with a draggable element.


drop_event(DragTag, DropTag)

Called when the user drops an element. DragTag is the tag associated with the draggable element. DropTag is the tag associated with the droppable element.

See Also

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