
Process Registry Handler

The process registry handler is a simple key-value store specifically for storing and retrieving Erlang Pids from Keys. It's primary uses are in session tracking and in tracking Pids for comet. The default nitrogen process registry is based around nprocreg, which connects and synchronizes Nitrogen nodes' process registries together.

Behavior Functions

init(Config, State)

Initialize the Process Registry handler

  • /Return Value/ - {ok, NewState}
finish(Config, State)

Clean up the Process Registry handler

  • /Return Value/ - {ok, NewState}
get_pid(Key, Config, State)

Returns a Pid from the provided Key.

  • Key - Any erlang term to use as a key. For the session handler, Nitrogen uses the SessionID, while for the comet functions, Nitrogen uses the comet pool ID, or a timer Pid. The point is, Key can be just about anything.

  • /Return Value/ - {ok, Pid, NewState}. If Key is not found, then Pid will be undefined.

get_pid(Key, Function, Config, State)

Returns a Pid from the provided Key.

  • Key - Same as above.

  • Function - If Key is not found, the process registry should spawn off a new process using the provided Function (which should have arity of 0), then return the pid of the newly spawned process.

  • /Return Value/ - {ok, Pid, NewState}. If Key is not found, then Pid will be the Pid of the newly spawned process based on Function.


Here is the complete text of the default process registry handler (nprocreg_process_registry), which is very simple.

-module (nprocreg_registry_handler).
-behaviour (process_registry_handler).
-include_lib ("wf.hrl").
-export ([

init(_Config, State) ->
    {ok, State}.

finish(_Config, State) ->
    {ok, State}.

get_pid(Key, _Config, State) ->
    Pid = nprocreg:get_pid(Key),
    {ok, Pid, State}.

get_pid(Key, Function, _Config, State) ->
    Pid = nprocreg:get_pid(Key, Function),
    {ok, Pid, State}.

See Also

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