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The sort block element allows you to make a list of Nitrogen elements sortable by the user.
#sortblock { tag=block1, items=[
#sortitem { tag=item1, body="Item 1" },
#sortitem { tag=item2, body="Item 2" },
#sortitem { tag=item3, body="Item 3" }
(Erlang term) - The term to pass into the sort_event/2 event.
(list of #sortitem elements) - The #sortitem elements that will be sortable.
(atom or string) - The name of this sortable group.
(list of atoms or strings) - The other groups that can accept items from this group.
(atom or string) - A CSS class that will be used as the drag handle for #sortitems.
(atom or string) - The class of the placeholder when an item is dragged away
(boolean) - Force the placeholder to be the same size as the moved sortblock item
Called when the user sorts elements. BlockTag is the tag associated with this sort block. ListOfItemTags is a list of item tags in the new order specified by the user.