

Main Agenda Slide


  • Part 1: Install & Run Nitrogen
  • Part 2: Nitrogen Pages
  • Part 3: Nitrogen Elements
  • Part 4: Nitrogen Actions
  • Part 5: Nitrogen Postback Events
  • Part 6: Session and Page State
  • Part 7: Security
  • Part 8: Validation
  • Part 9: Comet
  • Part 10: Extending Nitrogen
  • Conclusion


Install & Run Nitrogen

  • Install Nitrogen
  • Run the Website
  • A Tour Through the Files

Install Nitrogen

Install Nitrogen

If you don't have Erlang Installed:

Download Nitrogen, unzip and cd nitrogen.

If you do have Erlang installed:

Pull the Nitrogen Source Code, then make rel_inets; cd ../myapp.

Start the Website in Console Mode

Install & Run Nitrogen

Start Up

: bin/nitrogen console

Open http://localhost:8000 in your Browser

Stop the Website

Install & Run Nitrogen

Shut Down

/Press Control-C twice./

View the Directory

: ls -l

Anatomy of a Nitrogen Project

Install & Run Nitrogen

Anatomy of a Nitrogen Project

  • BuildInfo.txt :: From uname.
  • Makefile :: Used by make.
  • bin/ :: Commands to start and stop system, plus developer tools.
  • etc/ :: Configuration settings.
  • site/ :: Contains the website files, templates, and Erlang modules.
  • log/ :: The logs.
  • erts-X.Y.Z/ :: Embedded Erlang (not found in slim release version)
  • releases/ :: Tells Erlang how to start the system.
  • lib/ :: Dependent libraries.

Anatomy of the site/ Directory

Install & Run Nitrogen

The site/ Directory

The site directory should go under source control, it contains all
of the information necessary to run the website.
  • Emakefile :: Used by make.erl to compile the system.
  • ebin/ :: Compiled Erlang modules.
  • include/ :: Include files for your website.
  • src/ :: Erlang source files for your website.
  • static/ :: Static files for your website.
  • templates/ :: Template files for your website.

Anatomy of the site/src Directory

Install & Run Nitrogen

The site/src/ Directory

Stores the Erlang source files for your application. By default it
  • nitrogen_init.erl :: Runs once on Nitrogen startup.
  • nitrogen_PLATFORM.erl :: Holds the request loop depending on platform.
  • index.erl :: The default web page.
  • elements/ :: By convention, custom alements are placed here.
  • actions/ :: By convention, custom actions are placed here.

Exercise: Modify a Nitrogen Page

Install & Run Nitrogen

Exercise: Modify Your First Page

  • From the Erlang Shell, run: : sync:go()
  • Open site/src/index.erl
  • Change "Welcome to Nitrogen" to "Welcome to My Website"
  • Reload the page

Exercise: Compile in Different Ways

Install & Run Nitrogen

Exercise: Compile in a Different Way

  • From a different terminal, run: : bin/dev compile
  • Change to "Welcome to my ERL-TASTIC WEBSITE!" (or, you know, whatever)
  • Reload the page

Dynamic Compiling

Install & Run Nitrogen

Understanding sync

  • Running sync:go() from the Erlang shell or bin/dev compile start the sync application
  • Sync applications constantly checks for changes to Erlang files and attempts to recompile
  • To stop sync's checking, run sync:stop()
  • Note: Sync will only recompile files changed since sync was launched. Sync is not aware of changes made before running sync:go()

Exercise: Debugging

Install & Run Nitrogen

Debug Statements

  • Add ?DEBUG to the body of any function in index.erl. Then compile and reload. What happens?
  • Add ?PRINT(node()) to body of any function in index.erl. Then compile and reload. What happens?

Emacs Mode

Install & Run Nitrogen

Emacs nitrogen-mode

    (add-to-list 'load-path "PATH/TO/NITROGEN/support/nitrogen-mode")
    (require 'nitrogen-mode)
Without `nitrogen-mode`:
    #panel { id=my_panel, body=[
                                #panel { id=my_panel2, body=[
                                                             #label { text="Name" },
                                                             #textbox { id=my_textbox }
With `nitrogen-mode`:
    M-x nitrogen-mode
    #panel { id=my_panel, body=[
        #panel { id=my_panel2, body=[
            #label { text="Name" },
            #textbox { id=my_textbox }

Vim Nitrogen Script

If you use Vim instead of Emacs, run `make install-vim-script` to get the
above indentation.  You want your Nitrogen files to include the vim modeline:
    %% vim: ft=nitrogen


Nitrogen Pages

  • What is a Nitrogen Page?
  • Dynamic Routing Explained
  • Creating Your First Page
  • How is a Page Rendered?
  • Anatomy of a Template
  • Experimenting With Templates

What is a Nitrogen Page?

Nitrogen Pages

What is a Nitrogen Page

  • A Page is an Erlang Module

  • Each page should accomplish one store or piece of functionality.

    Some examples:

  • Allow the user to log in (user_login.erl).

  • Change the user's preferences. (user_preferences.erl)

  • Display a list of items. (items_view.erl)

  • Allow the user to edit an item. (items_edit.erl)

Dynamic Routes Explained

Nitrogen Pages

Dynamic Routing Explained

Dynamic routing rules:

  • If there is an extension, assume a static file. : http://localhost:8000/routes/to/a/module : http://localhost:8000/routes/to/a/static/file.html
  • Root page maps to index.erl
  • Replaces slashes with underscores. : http://localhost:8000/routes/to/a/module -> : routes_to_a_module.erl
  • Try the longest matching module. : http://localhost:8000/routes/to/a/module/foo/bar -> : routes_to_a_module.erl
  • Modules that aren't found go to web_404.erl if it exists.
  • Static files that aren't found are handled by the underlying platform (not yet generalized.)

Creating a New Page

Nitrogen Pages

Exercise: Create a New Page

  • Generate the Page : bin/dev page my_page : $EDIT site/src/my_page.erl

  • Replace the default body with:

      body() -> "Hello World!".
  • Remove the event/1 function.

  • Compile the page and load http://localhost:8080/my/page

How is a Page Rendered (Simple Version)

Nitrogen Pages

How is a Page Rendered?

  1. User hits a URL.
  2. URL is mapped to a module.
  3. Nitrogen framework calls module:main()
  4. module:main() calls a #template
  5. #template calls back into the page (or other modules)
  6. Nitrogen framework renders the output into HTML/Javascript. (This is the simple version. Complex version will come later.)

Anatomy of a Template

Nitrogen Pages

Anatomy of a Template

  • HTML. The Page is slurped into the Template.

  • Contains one or more callouts, ie:


  • Contains a script callout for Javascript:


  • The callouts look like Erlang, but they are not. They can only be of the form module:function(Args). The 'page' module refers to the current page.

Experimenting With Templates

Nitrogen Pages

Experimenting With Templates

  • Change the callout from page:body() to page:body1() in the default template and reload the page. What happens?

  • Create another callout. What happens?

  • What happens when you change page to be a specific module?

  • Replace the module call with some arbitrary Erlang code. What happens?


Nitrogen Elements

  • What is a Nitrogen Element?
  • Add Elements to Your Page
  • Nested Elements
  • Documentation
  • Anatomy of a Nitrogen Element

What is a Nitrogen Element?

Nitrogen Elements

What is a Nitrogen Element?

An element can be either HTML, or some record that renders into

Change this:
    body() -> "Hello World!".
To this:
    body() -> #label { text="Hello World!" }.

What is a Nitrogen Element?

Nitrogen Elements

What is a Nitrogen Element?

The `#label{}` element is rendered into:
    <label class="wfid_tempNNNNN label">Hello World!</label>
View the rendered page source in your browser and search for "Hello World".

Nitrogen Element Properties

Nitrogen Elements

Why Nitrogen Elements?

Nitrogen elements serve two purposes:

1. Allow you to generate HTML within Erlang:
  • Avoid mixing languages == clearer code.

  • Fewer characters to type.

  • Checked at compile time.

    1. Abstraction layer:
  • Avoid repeating common functionality.

  • Hide complexity in a module.

Nitrogen Element Examples

Nitrogen Elements

Nitrogen Element Examples

Try this on my_page.erl:
    body() -> [
        #h1 { text="My Simple Application" },
        #label { text="What is your name?" },
        #textbox { },
        #button { text="Submit" }
Then compile, reload, and view source.

Nested Elements

Nitrogen Elements

Nested Elements

Try a nested element:
    body() -> 
        #panel { style="margin: 50px;", body=[
            #h1 { text="My Page" },
            #label { text="Enter Your Name:" },
            #textbox { },
            #button { text="Submit" }


Nitrogen Actions

  • What is a Nitrogen Action?
  • Wiring an Action
  • Conditional Actions with #event{}
  • Postbacks

What is a Nitrogen Action?

Nitrogen Actions

What is a Nitrogen Action?

An action can either be Javascript, or some record that renders
into Javascript.

Add a Javascript alert to the `#button{}` element. Then recompile
and run. What do you expect will happen?
    body() ->
            #button { text="Submit", actions=[
                #event{type=click,actions="alert('hello');" }

What is a Nitrogen Action?

Nitrogen Actions

What is a Nitrogen Action?

Do the same thing a different way.
    body() ->
            #button { text="Submit", actions=[
              #event{type=click, actions=#alert { text="Hello" } 

Wiring an Action

Nitrogen Actions

Wiring an Action

Setting the `actions` property of an element can lead to messy
code. Another, cleaner way to wire an action is the `wf:wire/N`
    body() -> 
        wf:wire(mybutton, #effect { effect=pulsate }),
            #button { id=mybutton, text="Submit" }

Conditional Actions with #event{}

Nitrogen Actions

Conditional Actions with #event{}

Put the `#effect{}` action inside of an `#event{}` action. This
causes the effect to **only** get fired if the user clicks on
    body() -> 
        wf:wire(mybutton, #event { 
            actions=#effect { effect=pulsate }
            #button { id=mybutton, text="Submit" }

Triggers and Targets

Nitrogen Actions

Triggers and Targets

All actions have a `target` property. The `target` specifies what
element(s) the action effects.

The event action also has a `trigger` property. The `trigger`
specifies what element(s) trigger the action.

Try this:
    body() -> 
        wf:wire(#event { 
            type=click, trigger=mybutton, target=mylabel,
            actions=#effect { effect=pulsate }
            #label { id=mylabel, text="Make Me Blink!" },
            #button { id=mybutton, text="Submit" }

Triggers and Targets

Nitrogen Actions

Triggers and Targets

You can also specify the **Trigger** and **Target** directly in `wf:wire/N`. It takes three forms:
    % Specify a trigger and target.
    wf:wire(Trigger, Target, Actions)

    % Use the same element for both trigger and target.
    wf:wire(TriggerAndTarget, Actions)

    % Assume the trigger and/or target is provided in the actions. 
    % If not, then wire the action directly to the page. 
    % (Useful for catching keystrokes.)

Quick Review

Nitrogen Actions

Quick Review

1. Elements make HTML.
2. Actions make Javascript.
3. An action can be wired using the `actions` property, or wired
   later with `wf:wire/N`. Both approaches can take a single
   action or a list of actions.
4. An action looks for `trigger` and `target` properties. These
   can be specified in a few different ways.
5. Everything we have seen so far happens on the client.


Nitrogen Events

  • What is a Postback?
  • Your First Postback
  • Event Properties
  • More Event Examples
  • Postback Shortcuts
  • Modifying Elements

What is a Postback?

Nitrogen Events

What is a Postback?

A postback briefly transfers control from the browser to the
Nitrogen server. It is initiated when an event fires with the
`postback` property set. For example:
    #event { type=click, postback=my_click_event }
The postback tag can be any valid Erlang term. You use this to
differentiate incoming events.

Your First Postback

Nitrogen Events

Your First Postback

First, let's use the postback to print out a debug message.
    body() -> 
        wf:wire(mybutton, #event { type=click, postback=myevent }),
            #button { id=mybutton, text="Submit" }

    event(myevent) ->
        ?PRINT({event, now()}).

Postback Shortcuts

Nitrogen Events

Postback Shortcuts

A few elements allow you to set the `postback` property as a
shortcut to handle their most common events.

| Element       | Shortcut Event |
| `#button{}`   | click          |
| `#textbox{}`  | enter key      |
| `#checkbox{}` | click          |
| `#dropdown{}` | change         |
| `#password{}` | enter key      |

Postback Shortcuts

Nitrogen Events

Postback Shortcuts

A few elements allow you to set the `postback` property as a
shortcut to handle their most common events.

The previous code, simplified:
    body() -> 
            #button { id=mybutton, text="Submit", postback=myevent }

    event(myevent) ->
        ?PRINT({event, now()}).

More Event Examples

Nitrogen Events

More Event Examples

    body() -> 
        % 'mouseover', 'click', and 'mouseout' are standard Javascript
        % events.
        wf:wire(mybutton, [
            #event { type=mouseover, postback=my_mouseover_event },
            #event { type=click, postback=my_click_event },
            #event { type=mouseout, postback=my_mouseout_event }
            #button { id=mybutton, text="Submit" }

    event(my_click_event) ->
        ?PRINT({click, now()});
    event(OtherEvent) ->
        ?PRINT({other, OtherEvent, now()}).

More Event Examples

Nitrogen Events

More Event Examples

Generally, a postback is a good chance to read form elements. The
`wf:q(ElementID)` function does this.
    body() -> 
            #textbox { id=mytextbox, text="Edit this text." },
            #button { id=mybutton, text="Submit", postback=myevent }

    event(myevent) ->
        Text = wf:q(mytextbox),
        ?PRINT({event, Text}).

Modifying Elements

Nitrogen Events

Modifying Elements

Here is where everything comes together: we are going to modify
the page from within a postback event. Nitrogen uses **AJAX** to
update parts of a page without updating the entire page. 
    body() -> 
        #panel { style="margin: 50px;", body=[
            #button { id=mybutton, text="Submit", postback=click },
            #panel { id=placeholder, body="This text will be replaced" }

    event(click) ->
        wf:update(placeholder, [
            #h1 { text="Congratulations!" },
            #p { body="You have updated the page!" },
            #p { body=io_lib:format("~p", [now()]) }

More Page Manipulation

Nitrogen Events

More Page Manipulation

The `wf` module exposes many manipulation functions:
  • wf:update/2 :: Update the contents of an element with another element(s).

  • wf:insert_top/2 :: Insert a new element(s) at the beginning of another element.

  • wf:insert_bottom/2 :: Insert a new element(s) at the bottom of another element.

  • wf:replace/2 :: Replace an element with another element.

  • wf:remove/1 :: Remove an element(s).

  • wf:set/2 :: Set a textbox or checkbox value.

    It also exposes many other generally useful utility functions:


Remembering State

  • Page State vs. Session State
  • Page State Example
  • Session State Example

Page State vs. Session State

Remembering State

Page State vs. Session State

Nitrogen can store two kinds of state:
  • Page State

  • Stored in a user's browser window.

  • Destroyed when the user closes the window or navigates to a different page.

  • Sent across the wire with each request.

  • Session State

  • Stored in server memory.

  • Destroyed when the session expires or the Erlang VM dies.

  • Associated with the user's session by an HTTP cookie.

  • Useful place to store authentication

Page State

Remembering State

Page State

Using Page State:
    % Set a state variable
    wf:state(Key, Value)

    % Get a state variable
    wf:state_default(Key, DefaultValue)
`Key` and `Value` can be any valid Erlang term.

**Exercise:** Modify my_page.erl to display a counter that gets
incremented every time you press the 'Submit' button. The counter
should reset when the user reloads the page.

Page State

Remembering State

Page State

    body() ->
        #panel { style="margin: 50px;", body=[
            #button { id=mybutton, text="Submit", postback=click },
            #panel { id=placeholder, body="1" }
    event(click) ->
        Counter = wf:state_default(counter, 1),
        wf:update(placeholder, [
            #panel { body=io_lib:format("~p", [Counter + 1]) }
        wf:state(counter, Counter + 1).

Session State

Remembering State

Session State

Using Session State:
    % Set a session state variable
    wf:session(Key, Value)

    % Get a session state variable
    wf:session_default(Key, DefaultValue)
`Key` and `Value` can be any valid Erlang term.

**Exercise:** Modify my_page.erl to display **TWO** counters. When the
user presses the 'Submit' button, one counter should get
incremented, the other counter should get doubled. The server
should remember the counters even if the user closes and then re-opens
the browser.

Session State

Remembering State

Session State

    body() ->
        #panel { style="margin: 50px;", body=[
            #button { id=mybutton, text="Submit", postback=click },
            #panel { id=placeholder1, body="1" },
            #panel { id=placeholder2, body="1" }
    event(click) ->
        %% Increment the counter...
        Counter1 = wf:session_default(counter1, 1),
        wf:update(placeholder1, io_lib:format("~p", [Counter1 + 1])),
        wf:session(counter1, Counter1 + 1),
        %% Double the other counter...
        Counter2 = wf:session_default(counter2, 1),
        wf:update(placeholder2, io_lib:format("~p", [Counter2 * 2])),
        wf:session(counter2, Counter2 * 2).



  • Limiting Access to a Page
  • Authentication and Authorization Functions
  • Page Redirection Functions
  • Creating a Secure Page

Limiting Access to a Page


Limiting Access to a Page

Nitrogen contains functions to help you build password protected websites:
  • Nitrogen is built for role-based security. You set the roles for a current session, and check those roles later.

    For example, the user may have the friend and manager roles, but not the administrator role.

  • Authentication/authorization info is stored in the session.

Authentication and Authorization Functions


Authentication and Authorization Functions

Functions to set the user/role:
    % Get/set the current user for this session.
    wf:user(), wf:user(User)
    % Get/set whether the current session has the specified role.
    wf:role(Role), wf:role(Role, IsInRole)

Page Redirection Functions


Page Redirection Functions

Functions kick the user to a login page:
    % Redirect the user to a different page.
    % Redirect the user to the login page.
    % Redirect the user back to the original page they 
    % tried to access.  

Creating a Secure Page - Step 1


Creating a Secure Page - Step 1

Check for the `managers` role at the top of a page. If the user
doesn't have the role, go to a login page.
    main() -> 
        case wf:role(managers) of
            true ->
                #template { file="./site/templates/bare.html" };
            false ->

Creating a Secure Page - Step 2


Creating a Secure Page - Step 2

Create a login page. For now, just create a button that, when
clicked, grants the `managers` role to the user and redirects
    body() ->
        #button { text="Login", postback=login }.

    event(login) ->
        wf:role(managers, true),

Creating a Secure Page - Step 3


Creating a Secure Page - Step 3

Update `login.erl` to prompt for a username and password.
    body() -> 
        #panel { style="margin: 50px;", body=[
            #flash {},
            #label { text="Username" },
            #textbox { id=username, next=password },
            #br {},
            #label { text="Password" },
            #password { id=password, next=submit },
            #br {},
            #button { text="Login", id=submit, postback=login }
    event(login) ->
        case wf:q(password) == "password" of
            true ->
                wf:role(managers, true),
            false ->
                wf:flash("Invalid password.")

Creating a Secure Page - Step 4


Creating a Secure Page - Step 4

Create a way for the user to logout.
    % Clears all user, roles, session state, and page state.
/Note: Placing this statement appropriately is left as an exercise for the reader./



  • Overview of Nitrogen Validation
  • Adding Some Validators

Overview of Nitrogen Validation


Overview of Nitrogen Validation

Nitrogen implements a validation framework, plus a number of
pre-built validators, to allow you to declaratively validate your
form variables.

Validation happens on both client side (using the LiveValidation
library) and server side (in Erlang). 

This is done to present a responsive front end to the user 

Overview of Nitrogen Validation


Overview of Nitrogen Validation

The simplest validator is the `#is_required{}` validator. Tell your
`login.erl` page to make sure the user enters both a username and
a password.
    body() -> 
        wf:wire(submit, username, #validate { validators=[
            #is_required { text="Required." }
        wf:wire(submit, password, #validate { validators=[
            #is_required { text="Required." }
        #panel { style="margin: 50px;", body=[

Overview of Nitrogen Validation


Overview of Nitrogen Validation

We can get clever and use a validator to check that the user
entered the correct password. The `#custom{}` validator runs on
the server. (To make a custom client-side validator, use
    body() -> 
        wf:wire(submit, username, #validate { validators=[
            #is_required { text="Required." }
        wf:wire(submit, password, #validate { validators=[
            #is_required { text="Required." },
            #custom { 
                text="Invalid password.", 
                function=fun(_, Value) -> Value == "password" end
        #panel { style="margin: 50px;", body=[

Overview of Nitrogen Validation


Overview of Nitrogen Validation

Since we validate the password in the `#custom` validator, we can
trust that the `login` event only fires when the password is
correct. Change the `login` event to:
    event(login) ->
        wf:role(managers, true),



  • What is Comet?
  • Comet the Nitrogen/Erlang Way
  • A Comet Counter
  • Comet Pools
  • Comet Pool Scope
  • The Simplest Chatroom Ever Constructed

What is Comet?


What is Comet?

**Comet** is the name for a technique where the browser requests
something from the server, and the server doesn't respond until
it has something useful to say.

This makes it useful for applications that need fast, out-of-band
communication, such as chat rooms. 

In other words, you don't need to keep hitting a "Get Messages"
button. The server just pushes messages when they are available.

/A big happy shout out to Tom McNulty for his innovative ideas on what
Comet support could look like in Nitrogen./

Comet the Nitrogen/Erlang Way


Comet the Nitrogen/Erlang Way

Think of Comet like `erlang:spawn/1`:
  • Start up a function.

  • The function can manipulate the page using wf:update/2 or any other page manipulation function.

  • Output is queued until the function ends or calls wf:flush/0.

  • The function acts like it is linked to the current user's page. It is killed when the user leaves the page (or receives {'EXIT', _, Message} if trap_exit is true.)

A Comet Counter


A Comet Counter

Update `my_page.erl` to count once per second.
    body() -> 
        wf:comet(fun() -> counter(1) end),
        #panel { id=placeholder }.

    counter(Count) ->
        wf:update(placeholder, integer_to_list(Count)),
        counter(Count + 1).

Comet Pools


Comet Pools

You can tell a Comet function to start in a pool by providing a
`PoolName`. The `PoolName` can be any Erlang term.
    wf:comet(Fun, PoolName)
Now you can send messages to the pool. The messages will be
received by other functions started in that comet pool.
    wf:send(PoolName, Message)

Comet Pool Scope


Comet Pool Scope

So far, we've been creating **local** comet pools. Nitrogen also has
the idea of **global** comet pools:
  • Local comet pools are walled around the current page and the current user. If the user reloads the page, the comet process(es) goes away.

  • Global comet pools exist to help you create multi-user applications. They pool is accessible by all pages and all users.

    %% Create a global comet pool.
    wf:comet_global(Function, PoolName)
    %% Send a global comet message.
    wf:send_global(PoolName, Message)

The Simplest Chatroom Ever Constructed


The Simplest Chatroom Ever Constructed

Here we're going to create a page that listens for some text, and
sends it to the global comet pool. Connect with different browsers
and chat to yourself.
    body() -> 
        wf:comet_global(fun() -> repeater() end, repeater_pool),
            #textbox { id=msg, text="Your message...", next=submit },
            #button { id=submit, text="Submit", postback=submit },
            #panel { id=placeholder }
    event(submit) ->
        wf:send_global(repeater_pool, {msg, wf:q(msg)}).
    repeater() ->
            {msg, Msg} -> wf:insert_top(placeholder, [Msg, "<br>"])


Extending Nitrogen

  • Custom Elements
  • Custom Actions
  • Handlers

Custom Elements - Part 1

Extending Nitrogen

Custom Elements - Part 1

You can create custom elements to encapsulate other
elements. There is no difference between a **custom** element and a
**built-in** element, except where the actual files are stored.

Create a new custom element in `site/src/elements/my_element.erl`.

: ./bin/dev element my_element

Custom Elements - Part 2

Extending Nitrogen

Custom Elements - Part 2

An element has:

1. A **record** containing the properties of the element.

2. A `reflect()` function, providing a programattic way to get the
   properties of an element. If `record_info(fields, RecordType)`
   worked, this would not be necessary.)

3. A `render_element(Record)` function that emits HTML or
   other elements.

Custom Elements - Part 3

Extending Nitrogen

Custom Elements - Part 3

Let's make an element that displays a textbox and a button, logs
the result of the textbox to the console, and then calls a method
on the main page.
    render_element(#my_element{}) ->
        TextboxID = wf:temp_id(),
        ButtonID = wf:temp_id(),
        wf:wire(ButtonID, #event { 
            postback={click, TextboxID}
            #textbox { id=TextboxID, text="Your text...", next=ButtonID },
            #button { id=ButtonID, text="Submit" }
    event({click, TextboxID}) ->
        Text = wf:q(TextboxID),
        ?PRINT({clicked, TextboxID, Text}),
        PageModule = wf:page_module(),

Custom Elements - Part 4

Extending Nitrogen

Custom Elements - Part 4

Now, use the element on `my_page.erl`. Remember to move the
element into `include/records.hrl` first!
    body() -> 
        #my_element {}.
    my_element_event(Text) ->
/For more examples, see the built-in elements under

Custom Actions - Part 1

Extending Nitrogen

Custom Actions - Part 1

A custom **action** is like a custom **element**, except it should
emit Javascript or other actions.

: ./bin/dev action my_action

Custom Actions - Part 2

Extending Nitrogen

Custom Actions - Part 2

Let's make a custom action that calls `#alert{}` with a specified
string, but converted to all uppercase.
    -record(my_action, {?ACTION_BASE(action_my_action), text}).
    render_action(Record = #my_action{}) ->
        #alert { text=string:to_upper(Record#my_action.text) }.

Custom Actions - Part 3

Extending Nitrogen

Custom Actions - Part 3

Now, use the element on `my_page.erl`. Remember to move the action
into `include/records.hrl` first!
    body() -> 
        wf:wire(#my_action { text="this is a message" }),
        #label { text="You should see an alert." }.
/For more examples, see the built-in actions under

Handlers - Part 1

Extending Nitrogen

Handlers - Part 1

Handlers are an attempt to formalize an approach for overriding
core Nitrogen behavior.

Handlers exist for:
  • Configuration
  • Logging
  • Process Registry
  • Caching
  • Session Storage
  • Page State Storage
  • User Identity
  • Roles
  • Routing
  • Security

Handlers - Part 2

Extending Nitrogen

Handlers - Part 2

Handlers are initialized in the order described on the previous
page. This means that any handler can access and override
information defined by a handler that came before it. 

For example, you could write a `route_handler` that behaved
differently depending on the role of a user.

Handlers - Part 3

Extending Nitrogen

Handlers - Part 3

Let's make a `security_handler` handler that only allows the user
to access modules beginning with the word "my".
    -export([init/2, finish/2]).
    init(_Config, State) ->
        case wf:to_list(wf:page_module()) of
            "my" ++ _ ->
                {ok, State};
            "static_file" ->
                {ok, State};
            _ ->
                {ok, State}
    finish(_Config, State) ->
        {ok, State}.

Handlers - Part 3

Extending Nitrogen

Handlers - Part 3

Now, install the handler in `nitrogen_inets.erl`:
    do(Info) ->
    RequestBridge = simple_bridge:make_request(inets_request_bridge, Info),
    ResponseBridge = simple_bridge:make_response(inets_response_bridge, Info),
    nitrogen:init_request(RequestBridge, ResponseBridge),
        nitrogen:handler(my_security_handler, []),



By now, you should have a basic understanding of how Nitrogen works, and know enough to be able to quickly grok the examples on and apply them to your own pages.

Things not covered in this tutorial:

  • Drag and Drop
  • Sorting
  • Binding
  • More Effects
  • File Uploads
  • Javascript API
  • Custom Valiators
  • Handlers



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