
In-Place Textbox Element - #inplace_textbox {}

The inplace_textbox element creates a textbox that the user can edit in place.

The user clicks on the label, and it is replaced with a textbox, an OK button, and a Cancel button.

If the user clicks OK, a callback is issued to the delegate module so that it can save the new text.


   #inplace_textbox { id=textbox1, text="Some text." }


  • text (string) - Set the textbox's contents.

  • html_encode (boolean) - Set to true to safely html-encode the text.

  • start_mode (Atom, 'edit' or 'view') - Set whether the textbox should start in edit mode or view mode.

  • validators (Validator, or list of validators.) - Validators to apply to the textbox.

  • tag (Erlang term) - See the delegate attribute for details.


  • inplace_textbox_event(Tag, Value) :: Called when the user presses the OK button. Tag is specified in the 'tag' attribute, above. Value is the current value of the textbox. This callback function should process the value as necessary, and must return either the value itself, or a new value that will be sent back to the page and set as the value of the textbox.

See Also

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