
Textarea Element - #textarea {}

The textarea element produces an HTML textarea.


   #textarea { text="Some text" }


  • text (string) - Set the textarea's contents.

  • rows (integer) - Set the number of rows in the textarea.

  • columns (integer) - Set the number of columns in the textarea.

  • html_encode (boolean) - Set to true to safely html-encode the text.

  • disabled (boolean) - Set to true to disable this element in the browser (sets the HTML disabled property, effectly greying out the element). Can be dynamically re-enabled with wf:enable(ElementID) or wf:wire(ElementID, #enable{}) (Default: false)

  • readonly (boolean) - Set to true to make this element readonly in the browser. Can be toggled with wf:wire(ElementID, #make_writable{}) and wf:wire(ElementID, #make_readonly{}).

  • trap_tabs - (/boolean) :: Set to true to allow tabs to be inserted into the textarea, rather than moving the focus to the next element in the page.

  • placeholder (string) - Sets the placeholder text (text that will be in the textarea until the user focuses in the textarea). This uses the HTML5 placeholder attribute, which is only supported in newer browsers. To add support for older-browsers, you will need to link a placeholder script in your template. You can do this by adding the following to your template inside the <head> section after loading jQuery.

   <script src='/nitrogen/jquery.placeholder.js' type='text/javascript'></script>
  • html_name (string) - The name attribute of the textarea.

See Also

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